It is time to restore confidence, return to prioritizing educational excellence for every child, and get back to basics!
Academic Excellence: An emphasis on making up for learning loss due to Covid should be priority number one. Every child should be able to succeed to the best of their abilities, and no child should be prioritized or restricted based on a demographic, diagnosis, or checked box.
Support for Teachers: Teachers must feel supported by their board. One of LESD’s strengths is the talented and dedicated teaching staff who face new challenges every day. The board should be focused on making teacher’s jobs easier, not placing distracting programs or additional responsibilities that fail to provide tangible advancement in the classroom.
Budgetary Accountability: Every dollar approved by the board and spent by the administration is a dollar from a taxpayer. The board must never take for granted their fiduciary responsibility to the taxpayers or it will find itself in the position LESD is now, asking voters again to pass an override after it failed due to voter mistrust.
Respect for Our Community and Parents: Open meeting law violations and secret committees to advance social agendas is not a way to develop trust in the community and removes the focus from education. The dollars spent in LESD are from the taxpayers. Therefore, the board is accountable to the members of the community and the parents/guardians of its students. Board members cannot believe their personal agendas matter more than the community’s priorities and needs. Parents/guardians should not be concerned about what their child is being exposed to while at school through curriculum or educational programs.
Curriculum & Programs: Every portion of the curriculum adopted by the board and every program implemented into LESD must be for the advancement of academic improvement or have a direct impact to promoting educational success. The board and administration must be able to show the quantifiable impact of the curriculum, and programs must have benchmarks to track success.